When you visit this website generally do not need to disclose any personal information. You can freely read the information. However, Tiger Corporation (Hong Kong) Limited will also collect your personal data for use, and will notify you in advance of each record. We will also respect your privacy and do everything we can to ensure that your personal privacy is properly protected. Information collected for non-earmarked use will be destroyed or processed to be unrecognized after use.
Tiger Corporation (Hong Kong) Limited makes this statement as a guarantee of your privacy. However, Tiger Corporation (Hong Kong) Limited will not be liable for the privacy protection procedures of the linked sites. However, the Company will not be responsible for the collection of information on the website.
Tiger Corporation (Hong Kong) Limited collects contact information from visitors, such as e-mail addresses, and statistical analysis of the general website. The contact information collected when subscribing the electronic communication form will be used to send promotional materials and information to you. You may also choose to unsubscribe and no longer receive any messages. Tiger Corporation (Hong Kong) Limited will use the collected statistics collected from website traffic improving the overall browsing experience.
Tiger Corporation (Hong Kong) Limited will take legal and reasonable steps to ensure that the information collected or used is accurate and complete and stored in a confidential way that only authorized persons are able to access. However, we cannot guarantee that no third parties will invade the computer, steal the information, or have any unauthorized access to the information.
If you wish to access and change your personal information, please contact:
Tiger Corporation (Hong Kong) Limited
Room 1006, 10/F, Join-in Hang Seng Centre, 71 to 75 Container Port Road, Kwai Chung
Email: cs@tiger-corporation.hk
Once you have submitted the relevant form, you agree that all the information provided is true. You also agree that Tiger Corporation (Hong Kong) Limited may use the collected personal data for such use.
The “Personal Data Collection Statement” and our “Data Privacy Policy” may be amended at any time without prior notice.
For more details: https://www.tiger-corporation.com/en/jpn/terms/privacy-policy/
Updated in February 2023